Month: October 2015

Apollo’s Island: We’ve Gone Solar !

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The Solar Space Creation Project in Tuvalu is one of 6 major projects that are changing the face of power generation and supply in Tuvalu in a very short time. The plan is to make the Funafuti electricity grid, and those of several outer islands, run on 100% renewable energy by 2020. Doing this will…

Transferring Costs of island Maintenance to Human Hands


Tuvalu is about to test the resilience of its islands in a way that has never been seen before. In the next year or two there will be 4 new projects that will in one way or another alter the natural flows of sand and water that are part of the island’s natural defence and…

Coral Watch Report 10


Summary Coral Monitoring: Start date 21st April 2015; Duration: 20 weeks Dredging: Start date 29th April 2015; Duration: 19 weeks The dials are status on 25th September 2015 with an average of 22.5 bleaching at Impact sites (24% on 8/9/15) and 17% bleaching (16% on 8/9/15) at Control sites Dredging Locations: Dredge worked off Fogafale…