Month: May 2015

1 High Winds


2 Dry Periods


Coral Watch Report 2


Dredging has been on-going now for almost 5 weeks (begun on 29th April 2015), with all dredging to date concentrated in the area between Site 1 and Site 2 near the northern end of Tegako islet. Monitoring of corals has been carried out since 21st April (almost 6 weeks). The coral watch results for the…

3 Wet Periods


4 Hot Periods


Borrow Pits Rehabilitation in Tuvalu


The Tuvalu Borrow Pits Rehabilitation Project, funded by New Zealand, aims to improve the living standards of communities living in Funafuti by filling in up to 10 borrow pits located on Funafuti Atoll and improving water and sanitation services. The project also aims to improve the Island’s resilience to the impacts of climate change such…

5 Cold Periods


Atoll Engineering for Building Resilience


Atolls just aren’t like large continental countries where engineering grew up. We need a new set of engineering solutions specifically for the unique conditions on atolls. Atoll Engineering should build our resilience, reversing the broad-scale damage the ‘old engineering’ has caused in the past. And we need it now – the islands have run out…

6 Sea Temperatures


7 Volcanoes


8 Earthquakes


9 Tsunamis


Core Resilience: Funafuti Masterplan Video 2013


In 2013 we produced a short (18 minute) video designed to introduce the idea of building core resilience for heavily urbanised atoll islands in general, and for Funafuti in particular. As noted on the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) site the natural environment is unequivocally the life support system for all human endeavours. Far from being…

Video: Funafuti Masterplan

Funfauti masterplan title

This is an 18 minute video designed to introduce the idea of building core resilience for heavily urbanised atoll islands in general, and for Funafuti in particular. [vimeo id=”128706396″]

10 Slides


11 Land Area


Coral Watch Report 1


This is the first of a series of coral monitoring reports we will send around to keep track of indicators of coral stress during the dredging works. The measurements are being taken by Paeniu Lopati and Filipo Makolo of the Fisheries Department using the Coral Watch methodology. The aim is to use corals as sensitive…

12 Country Dispersion


13 Isolation


14 Relief
