Tag: Environment

Apollo’s Island: We’ve Gone Solar !

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The Solar Space Creation Project in Tuvalu is one of 6 major projects that are changing the face of power generation and supply in Tuvalu in a very short time. The plan is to make the Funafuti electricity grid, and those of several outer islands, run on 100% renewable energy by 2020. Doing this will…

Borrow Pits Rehabilitation in Tuvalu


The Tuvalu Borrow Pits Rehabilitation Project, funded by New Zealand, aims to improve the living standards of communities living in Funafuti by filling in up to 10 borrow pits located on Funafuti Atoll and improving water and sanitation services. The project also aims to improve the Island’s resilience to the impacts of climate change such…

Satellite Harbour Concept for Atolls


Building harbours on atolls is problematic at best. Atolls are ‘living’ structures, 100% made from the skeletons of once living things (not counting the volcanic core buried far beneath them). They need to be unconstrained to grow, or at least maintain, their current structures, especially their islands. To keep in shape, rubble and sand needs…

US Patents Signal End of Pesticides and GMO


Humanity is facing a problem. Our immediate environment is riddled with pesticides. They are making us unhealthy faster than we can study the effects. In addition, these pesticides play large roles in the massive bee deaths and decline of soil health. The companies that profit from making these pesticides have made it clear they won’t…

Lessons in Village Design

village design

I live in a new Village called Earthaven. Part art project, part social experiment, part bridge to an unknown future, this place is an endlessly challenging, paradoxical exercise of the imagination. It is also quite real and solid, home to 60 people and a locus of much hope and creativity. Ten years ago, a dozen…

Emergency Shut Down Of West Coast Fisheries: “Populations Have Crashed 91%”


Earlier this week Michael Snyder warned that the bottom of our food chain is going through a catastrophic collapse with sea creatures dying in absolutely massive numbers. The cause of the problem is a mystery to scientists who claim that they can’t pinpoint how or why it’s happening. What’s worse, the collapse of sea life…

Borrow Pits Rehabilitation in Tuvalu


The Tuvalu Borrow Pits Rehabilitation Project, funded by New Zealand, aims to improve the living standards of communities living in Funafuti by filling in up to 10 borrow pits located on Funafuti Atoll and improving water and sanitation services. The project also aims to improve the Island’s resilience to the impacts of climate change such…

Africa’s Biggest Lake Is On The Verge Of Dying

Lake fishing

It’s surrounded by three countries and depended on by 35 million people for survival, but Africa’s largest lake is under threat of extinction. Lake Victoria covers more than 68,800 square km and is the lifeblood for the people of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda who rely on its waters to service its huge fishing industry. But…

Electric Car Powered by Salt Water: 920 hp, 373 Miles/Tank


It’s finally here folks and it is LEGIT. Tesla eat your heart out, the Germans have created an electrical car powered by salt water. It has four electric engines and is FAST with some pretty sweet fuel economy for a sports car. Leave the Bugatti at home and stop by the beach to refuel. The…